As of June 2019, Bucks New University has 13 apprentices studying on the Digital and Technology Solutions Professional programme at Level 4 and Level 5.
The majority of the apprentices are on the Software Engineering pathway and are employed at Sky. The remaining apprentices are on either the Data Analyst or Business Analyst pathways.
Another cohort of 10+ software engineering apprentices will be likely to start in October 2019.
My role
I have worked closely with the Apprenticeship Hub to develop further opportunities to partner with levy-paying employers who have a digital skills requirement for levels 4 and above.
I have been involved in developing and delivering some course modules for the degree apprenticeship programmes. Apart from teaching modules such as Mobile Systems and Web Application Development, I have been responsible for the delivery and development of the new Work-based learning modules across Level 4 and Level 5.
I have been teaching these modules using a blended learning approach, mixing face to face sessions with online group sessions, pre-recorded lectures, assigned self-learning and reading.
University reputation
Our early apprentice cohorts have enabled the university to develop some case studies around the diversity and inclusivity of degree apprenticeships which has also generated some exposure in local media such as the Bucks Free Press.

Three stories can be found via the links below: